Positive Behaviour Support
At Dalwallinu District High School, we support and promote positive student behaviour.
Our MORE values guide our behaviour choices:




Through our Positive Culture Committee, staff create an environment where positive choices are linked to reward activities and events. Staff also work hard to create a positive culture within their classrooms and across the school.

- We move around the school/ classroom quietly.
- We are mindful of other’s needs, abilities, feelings, and opinions.
- Mindful of what we say.
- Be punctual.
- Wearing of uniforms.
- Student work is to be neat and legible.
- Be mindful of our school VALUES.

- We have everything we need for our lessons.
- We fill drink bottles during break times.
- Our belongings/work are presented & stored neatly
- We have a hat for outdoor activities and breaks.
- We are prompt when moving between classes & activities.
- Toilet during break times.
- Lining up.

- We display whole body listening when others speak.
- We use our manners (please & thankyou).
- We follow instructions for our own safety and classroom behaviour.
- We respect ourselves, others & the environment.
- Equal treatment regardless of race, gender or physical ability.
- Interact with others in an atmosphere free from harassment, gossiping, mind tricks and violence.
- Respect, courtesy and honesty.

- We always have a go.
- We try our best.
- We set goals &challenge ourselves.
- We ask for help when we need it.
- Model appropriate behaviour.
- Assist younger students in our school community.
- Report inappropriate behaviour.